Sunday, March 12, 2006

spinning spinning everything

Originally uploaded by kittenlogic.
good morning america!

it has been an action packed weekend. not really. yesterday boon and i went all over and did pretty much everything that we didn't originally intend to do. the only objective we had all day was to go see the hills have eyes. it turned into let's go to a yarn shop and a ton of thrift shops in collingswood, buy a briefcase and a hat, go eat, go to the driving range, go bowling, then dye a pound of wool and play videogames. it was so nonsensical. but it was so fun. if you check out the album you'll see that i suck at golf and also that i'm about 12 years old.

so i dyed my pound of white mill ends. and while i like that it was really cheap, i kinda hated dyeing the wool because it was sortof matted and a bit more coarse than i'm used to working with, so everything was coming out of the dyebath in a big hot clump. it wasn't a huge deal but it was just annoying because everything is taking twice as long to dry because it was all mashed together.

i'm over it since what i wanted to work with today was dry when i woke up. the yarn in the picture is one of the two i did today. i'm also over complaining about plying with thread. it's not as bad as i thought it was at first, it just takes practice. now i can do it like a champ. it's great.

Originally uploaded by kittenlogic.
i also tried my hand at spinning really thinly again and had a very decent time with it. i have no idea the length of the skein, but it seems small in comparison to my usual jumbo skeins. it's about fingering to dk weight. i'm trying to get better at thin so when i feel like learning to knit socks i can use my own handspun. ambitions ambitions!

someone bought lollapalooza! i'm just happy about that because it was a really neat yarn that someone should own and use.

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